Find out more about Richard Blanco
Session 1: April 5, 3:30 - 5:00 ET (Unlimited registration • Live on Zoom) $35
Since writing his poem for the occasion of President Obama’s inauguration in 2013, Richard Blanco had many occasions to write many more occasional poems. Some as public as Boston Strong, recited at the benefit concert at the TD Garden Arena to help soothe the emotional wounds of the Boston Marathon bombings. Others as intimate as the poem he wrote for a dear friend’s 50th birthday party. Whether writing for a national-stage or for a living room of relatives, Blanco discusses the importance of deploying/employing the power of occasional poems to broaden civic discourse, unify communities, and connect family and friends, especially during these tumultuous, divisive times. He’ll share tips and pitfalls on the art of occasional poetry and how these also inform the writing of our more autobiographical poems.
Session 2: Saturday, April 12, 3:00 - 5:30 ET (Limited to 12 registrations • Live on Zoom) $85
Following a detailed prompt that will be shared beforehand, participants will workshop an occasional poem they’ve written based on a hypothetical or real-life scenario they’ve created. For example: a poem for the dedication ceremony of a new community center in your town; or a poem for a grandparent’s 100th birthday celebration. Enrollments are limited to allow ample time for feedback and to continue exploring the parameters and roles of occasional poems for any context.
Session 2 is currently full, register if you want to add your name to the waitlist.